Misty Bids Farewell to Tear Stains
Misty & Liezel
Misty has always been covered in stains on her paws, around her mouth and under her eyes. For 2 years I played around with shampoos and lotions to try and make it go away but it never did. Misty also suffers quite badly from environmental allergies and gets really itchy and develops an irritated throat which causes other issues and always needed monthly cytopoint injections from her vet.
Since going onto a raw diet, the first thing I noticed was that Misty didn't itch as much, we weren't having to do 2 weekly baths and paw soaks as she was not as itchy as before. After learning more about how raw food works and gut health from the amazing team at Raw Essentials in Grey Lynn, we played around with different proteins.
One year later and Misty is completely tear stain free and itch free. She no longer needs monthly cytopoint injections and can happily roll around in the grass and do doggy things without her skin flaring up afterwards. Her raw diet really changed her life for the better, and also helps us to better control her weight which keeps her happy, healthy and excited for meal times.