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Raw Stories

We get our professional kicks from witnessing transformative results. Hear from some of customers talking about their pets and their experience with Raw Essentials and read some of our success stories below, too.

Misty Bids Farewell to Tear Stains

Misty & Liezel

Misty has always been covered in stains on her paws, around her mouth and under her eyes. For 2 years I played around with shampoos and lotions to try and make it go away but it never did. Misty also suffers quite badly from environmental allergies and gets really itchy and develops an irritated throat which causes other issues and always needed monthly cytopoint injections from her vet.

Since going onto a raw diet, the first thing I noticed was that Misty didn't itch as much, we weren't having to do 2 weekly baths and paw soaks as she was not as itchy as before. After learning more about how raw food works and gut health from the amazing team at Raw Essentials in Grey Lynn, we played around with different proteins.

One year later and Misty is completely tear stain free and itch free. She no longer needs monthly cytopoint injections and can happily roll around in the grass and do doggy things without her skin flaring up afterwards. Her raw diet really changed her life for the better, and also helps us to better control her weight which keeps her happy, healthy and excited for meal times.

From Street Cats to Thriving on a Raw Diet

Lexi, JJ & Emma

We adopted Lexie and JJ after they were found out on the streets in South Auckland at just approximately 4 months old in June of this year. Initially we had them on a mixture of sachet food and hard biscuits when we first got them. They were constantly drinking water and ALWAYS wanting more food thinking they would be fed every time we entered the kitchen.

After some discussion we decided to start with Raw Essentials. Since starting Lexie and JJ they have been a lot calmer in themselves, sleep better throughout the night, not as ravenous and wanting food all day/as soon as you walk in the door after being out and also not as thirsty after eating. Another amazing benefit is no smelly poop! Since changing to a raw diet, they no longer have smelly poop and being indoor cats using a litter box this is such an amazing benefit! Their fur condition is also so much shinier and healthier as well!

Initially starting was a bit difficult to transition Lexie into eating the raw food however with the help and reassurance from the amazing staff in store we trialled different flavours and also the SuperCat sprinkle on top of her food and now she will eat any flavour we purchase! Our saviour was the Beef, Wallaby and Heart flavour in getting her to enjoy Raw Food.

Twinkle’s Transformation: From Prednisone to Purrfection!

Twinkle & Dee

Twinkle came to me at 7 months old from a breeder who had purchased her for breeding purposes. After a short time in her new home Twinkle became very unwell & was diagnosed with IBS after having surgery to investigate her health issues. She was then spayed & was up for adoption. When I picked her up the breeder gave me a bag of sensitive kibble & prednisone which I was told she would be on for life.

This didn’t sit well with me so I contacted the original breeder who Twinkle came from. I then found out when she was weaned that she was raw fed. I did some research & came across Lyn Thomson, the founder of Raw Essentials. I was living in Russell, Bay of Islands at that time so loaded a large chilly bin into my car & drove over 3 hours to have a consultation with Lyn & there started our raw feed journey.

I was originally told from a vet that Twinkle would more than likely have a shortened life span. She is now 14 years old & has many more years in her. Her gut issues cleared up as soon as the raw feeding started & the prednisone went into the bin! Our cats are carnivorous & I highly recommend raw feeding for a long healthy happy life.

Retired Hunting Dog Has a Spring in His Step, Thanks to Wildly Good Food

Terra & Johnny

Meet Terra, my 12-year-old boy. I started feeding him Raw Essentials meat mix after he began losing interest in his previous food. A friend recommended it to me, and Terra absolutely loves the Goat and Tahr options. In his younger years, Terra did a lot of hunting and hiking, from Farewell Split to Tuatapere, but now he's getting a bit sore in the hind. One of your fantastic staff in Christchurch suggested adding dried green-lipped mussels to his meals, along with some mussel oil. After a year on this, I’ve seen a huge improvement—he’s more active now than he was a year ago. Since discovering Raw Essentials, I’ll never look back!

From Kidney Disease to a Shiny Coat and More Energy

Boo & Vanessa

Boo, an 8-year-old Heading Dog x Lab, was diagnosed with kidney disease in November. We tried a renal diet, but he was miserable, barely eating, and losing weight. A friend recommended Raw Essentials, and after reviewing Boo’s blood work, their amazing vet tailored a diet specifically for him. The staff at Tower Junction have been incredibly supportive, and I’d like to thank Tayla and Skye for their friendly advice and regular check-ins. Now, Boo is thriving on his raw diet—his coat is shinier, he’s got more energy, and he absolutely loves his food!

Freya Can Move Freely Again

Freya is my 4 year old Labrador x Golden Retriever, as a young pup she would sometimes walk funny then gradually didn’t like playing with other dogs so much. At 1 year old she was diagnosed by X-ray with bilateral hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis. The Raw Essentials Kumeu team worked alongside my Vet to help manage Freya's arthritis. Through their support we saw massive improvements in her mobility & joint health.

Happy, Healthy Cat Sisters

We heard the benefits of raw feeding, and glowing recommendations of Raw Essentials, so we started feeding raw almost as soon as we adopted our cats. We got Beckett, close to her first birthday. Since we switched her to a raw diet, her coat has gotten more glossy and super soft, like velvet. Our second cat, Lanie was a skinny little kitten when we got her. She was keen on food but would always leave behind a little of her kitten kibble. We started giving her some raw food, and she took to it like a fish to water! She scoffed it down and never left any behind, and gained a good amount of weight quite fast and steadily - she now is maintaining a healthy weight.

From a Bow-Legged Pup to Strong Pooch!

Our pound puppy, Sadie, was bow legged and had diarrhea all the time. We tried her on a couple of "superior" brands of dog food but had no luck with settling her stomach and her legs were getting worse. We decided to try Sadie on raw within 2 weeks her diarrhea had cleared, and after a few months we had noticed a big improvement with her legs. The bowing in her right leg was almost unnoticeable! She just kept improving from then on, and now there's no more bowing in her legs at all! We are so happy we switched her to raw.

Fluffy Is Free From Insulin

Fluffy was diagnosed with diabetes in 2021. We had him on a prescription diet and twice daily insulin shots, and at one point he reached the maximum dosage. A friend suggested I try to Raw Essentials, and with the support of their in house vet he slowly he started to stabilise. He is now 1 month insulin free. His daily blood test shows he is stable. He has a lovely coat and is a happier cat overall. Thanks Raw Essentials! - Sharyn

Benson Is Loving Mealtimes On Raw

Benson is a 2.5 year old Staffy, he’s been on the raw food diet for about a year and he absolutely loves it. We made the switch to raw after he started to become picky at mealtimes and was often itching. After doing some research we stumbled across raw and decided it was worth a try! Since the switch he is loving mealtimes and cleaning is bowl and his skin has been so much better. We always get compliments when we are out and about how good he looks, particularly how strong and muscly he is!

Marlows Skin Issues Are A Thing Of The Past

Marlow & Raisa

Marlow has suffered with skin issues since he was a puppy. We were told it could be pimples or ringworm! He was given cream to try and treat his red, dry and itchy skin but never actually fixed the problem. He was also a on and off with eating his food.

Then I started to do some research and found Raw Essential, so I reached out. we decided to go with the novel protein option due to his history of skin issues. After we move to raw, all his skin issues were just gone! We have never seen any redness since he is no longer itchy and we can even see some new fur growth on his previously bald spots! We are so grateful that we swapped Marlow to raw! A big thank you to Raw Essentials!

Cat Goes From Dehydrated to Rejuvenated

Khan & Cassandra

This is my old boy Khan. He’s coming up 15 years old. I adopted him when he was much younger. He would gulp his kibble down and then spew everywhere. He was also constantly thirsty and drinking water - which seemed like forever!

Since changing him to a raw diet many years ago he hasn’t spewed once and rather gulping it down he has to chew and work through the meat and bone. His teeth and fur look amazing for his age!

Lilo Has A Show Stopping Velvety Smooth Coat

Lilo & Megan

Our Sharpei Lilo is allergic to chicken and the expensive biscuits she was on were not making a difference for her allergies!

She had a constant dry skin, an itchy tail and patches of fur missing all over her back.

Switching her to raw at 5 months old was the best thing we ever did for her. Her coat has changed completely! Now it is super soft and healthy it even feels like velvet. Everyone who pats her can’t believe how beautiful her coat is.

From Bratwurst to Chipolata

Gretch & Amelia

We adopted Gretch in mid-2018 and she weighed over 9kg - pretty hefty for a wee sausage dog! After trying multiple food brands and making no dent in her weight loss we decided to give raw feeding a go... fast forward to now and Gretch is down 2kg and counting! Her renewed energy levels and thirst for life has made her a completely different dog to the one we adopted back in June.

We can't thank your team in Wellington enough for their advice and help along her journey.

Sensitive Frankie is Living Her Best Life

Frankie & Molly

Frankie is 2 1/2 and, like other Brachycephalic breeds, has a very sensitive tummy. We have been on such a journey with her diet and it wasn't until we found Raw Essentials and worked closely with the staff that we were able to find what works best for her.

She is in the best condition she has ever been in with her skin, allergies and weight. With slow transitions and carefully selected proteins we have been able to get Frankie to a place where she has plenty of variety in her diet and we can even include bones, which we really wanted to incorporate into her diet for the dental benefits. The team at Raw Essentials have all of Frankie's information and notes on hand so they are across her journey and can assist no matter the situation.

Frankie loves all of their treats, especially the rabbits tails and lamb ears. She is a very happy and healthy dog thanks to the Raw Essentials team!

Jasper Overcomes Asthma Attacks

Jasper & Paula

Jasper was a 4-year-old rescue cat that we adopted in 2008. He felt at home straight away and fitted in happily with our other two kittens, also recently adopted from the same place. Jasper was fine on a diet of biscuits and tinned for awhile but, in 2010, he developed asthma and was a regular visitor to the vets, including frantic 1am visits.

We persevered with various medications for awhile but we wanted a different approach. So, I researched raw feeding and made the change. He swapped over without fuss and loved it all! I stopped his medication and it wasn't long before he stopped having attacks. Jasper stayed on the raw diet for five years without a single asthma attack and was medication free before he passed in 2017.

I know he appreciated feeling better without regular asthma attacks... you could just tell. I am very grateful that Raw Essentials were available, so I could make that choice for him.

A Slow Intro To Get Chewie Back On Track

Chewie & Julie

Our wee boy, Chewie, was repeatedly getting tonsillitis. After multiple vet visits (including the specialist vet), loads of antibiotics and anti-flammatories, he was diagnosed with aerodigestive disease. The prescribed medication had horrendous side effects for him so I sought the help of Veterinary Holistic Healthcare and was introduced to Raw Essentials via Dr Jacqui Snell.

We were put in touch with the Raw Essentials team vet, Rebecca, who put together an elimination diet plan to introduce him very gradually to a raw diet and find out what works for him. Chewie has been on raw rabbit along with a few holistic tinctures for a few months now. The changes in him over a short period of time have been quite remarkable. We've been able to maintain his weight, he's very happy, his energy levels have increased and he hasn't had tonsillitis or reflux since a few weeks after changing to raw food.

Our journey is only just beginning, and we'll be slowly introducing other raw proteins while building up his natural stomach flora. The support from Raw Essentials has been amazing in helping make the transition to a raw diet. If you want the best for your furbaby, I highly recommend Raw Essentials!

Kobe is Living his Best Puppy Life

Kobe & Reia

Kobe was introduced to a raw diet by his breeder as a young puppy, on the day he started eating solid foods. It was them who recommended that we continue to feed him a raw diet as a pup. Before we brought Kobe home, we popped into our local Raw Essentials to learn more about raw feeding and see the products. We took so much knowledge home with us from the helpful staff, there is so much to learn!

Kobe is now 7 months old, and as he grows we continue to monitor (and adapt) his weight, growth, daily physical exercise, what he likes, what he doesn’t like, what works for us and our budget. We love to mix it up for him by changing and adding variety to his meals, learning which bones we can feed him, and getting him to try new things (and delicious treats)!

We are still learning so much with the help of the staff. Kobe has been enjoying the full benefits of a balanced raw diet, he is such a healthy and great looking pup! We have even inspired others to transition their dogs to raw by sharing our journey of raw feeding. Raw feeding really is the best, you can't go wrong with food that is 100% natural and all the nutrition their bodies need.

A New Life For Morty After Cat Flu

Morty & Emily

When we first got Morty, he was very sick with calicivirus, a cat flu that affected his eyes, nose and overall breathing. He wasn’t eating or drinking, so I had to syringe water and a type of meat paste into his mouth each day. As a kitten he was constantly on antibiotics from the vet due to respiratory infections and any type of food he ate upset his digestive system so much that he was constantly suffering from vomiting and diarrhea.

One day I came across Raw Essentials, and after speaking to the very knowledgeable staff and communicating with their supportive team vet, we got Morty onto a gut healing protocol. This consisted mostly of bone broth with gently cooked meats before gradually moving onto raw mince cubes over time.

Within a week or so of following the protocol, Morty was a different cat. He was toileting normally and overall seemed much happier. Now 2 years on, Morty is so much healthier, has no issues with his digestion and although his calicivirus will be a lifelong condition, he very rarely has a flare up. If he does, he recovers much more quickly.

Thank you Raw Essentials for making such a huge difference to Morty’s health and quality of life!

Shepherds Skin Is Soothed By Raw

Beaudy & Jill

We got Beaudy our German Shepherd at 8 weeks old, the breeders had him on supermarket puppy chow dry food so we continued this when we got him home. I started to notice pretty quickly he was scratching a lot! It just got worse and worse and I could see he was very uncomfortable which made me upset. The vet told me about elimination diet & how hard it was to work out the source of the allergies and I left feeling deflated and overwhelmed.

When he was 6 months old we changed vets to one that promotes raw feeding & he recommended I try Raw Essentials to help with his itchy skin. At that time the closest store to me was in Auckland a 2 & a half hours drive away. When I did go to Auckland for a trip, I made a purposeful stop at Raw Essentials & had a chat to the staff there. They were so helpful & knowledgeable, I finally had hope. I stocked up with what I needed & started the raw food journey. Eventually & much to my delight a store opened in Tauranga! We are set now. His coat is great, his itching improved dramatically very quickly once we switched & everyone comments on how good he looks. We have since converted others to raw & recommend Raw Essentials to those looking to start the raw feeding journey. We wouldn't change from raw now!

Benji's Natural Weight Loss Journey

Benji & Rajinder

Benji is our 5 year old mastiff with skin allergies and a sensitive stomach. Our vets put him on a diet of hypoallergenic kibble to help with these issues, but he was never a big fan of the food. He also put on a lot of weight - but cutting down the amount we were feeding just left him hungry. Eventually, he started hydrotherapy sessions to try to help with his weight loss. He lost some weight through these, but still not enough. There, they recommended for us to give a Raw Essentials diet a try.

We visited the team at the Drury store who were amazing and gave us a lot of advice to help with Benji's weight and health issues. Benji loved his new diet, and - best of all - he finally started to lose weight! He's now down 5.5 kilos and still going strong. He is more active, feeding him is a breeze, and his coat is so shiny.

I gave him a turkey wing for his birthday and he loved it - thank you Raw Essentials!

German Shepherd Looks 5 Years Younger

Kage & Baylee

Kages raw food journey started when he was 8 years old. From the day we got him we was always fed kibble until one day he turned his nose up at it. We then struck a point where we had to do something. This is when we looked into raw feeding. Since then he looks absolutely amazing for 11yrs old and you’d think he was 5 years younger then he actually is (we thank raw food for this).

His coat is always soft and shiny, his dental hygiene is great for his age, we no loner have issues with maintaining a healthy weight, it also gives him the energy to run round like a dog well before his years and of course smaller, less smelly poop!!

Since switching to raw feeding, we have never once looked back!

Soft Fur & Fresh Breath Since The Switch

Everest & Chantel

We got our sweet Everest when she was just 7 weeks old. She had quite a sensitive stomach as a kitten...most of the food we tried her on didn't agree with her and would go straight through her. Finally, we decided to try her on a Raw Essentials diet. We wish we'd found it sooner! As soon as we started her on the raw diet, we noticed a huge difference. Her fur is so soft, her breath doesn’t smell and best of all, it doesn't upset her tummy. She loves the variety she gets through the diet and has so much energy in her now. We still continue to see the difference in her every day, we're so happy we switched her to raw. Thank you to the staff at Hobsonville for all their help and advice in getting us started!

Cheddar Has The Energy To Play All Day

Cheddar & Don

When I got Cheddar, she was totally disinterested in food. She had low energy, and would spend most of her time sleeping. Her coat was also dull, and there were shaggy areas that would mat easily, making it difficult to clean.

She has been on Raw Essentials since February and the change in her appearance, manner and appetite was almost instant.

Her coat is lush and her shaggy fur is now soft and beautiful. She has loads more energy - playing and exploring all day. She loves her food, screaming at me for dinner and waking me at 5:30am demanding breakfast.

Basically, she is like a new cat and its great.

I'm fully converted to the raw diet and have seen great results first hand with a furry little monster that means the world to me.

Zelda Overcame Allergies

Zelda & Natalie

Zelda had really inflamed skin on her feet and belly. We soon realised it was due to both grass allergies and an intolerance to a lot of common meats - lamb, beef and poultry. We wanted to see if we could address all of this without medication, so we made the switch to raw.

We were able to start with one product and gradually add more to see what made her red and itchy and what didn’t, and the Raw Essentials team helped us through this.

Very quickly the redness on her belly disappeared, and after some time so did the red itchy feet. Her skin got stronger and healthier, as did her gut and immune system, so she is now far less reactive to grass and has stopped all licking and chewing.

Despite all her allergies she is able to eat a varied, healthy and exciting diet. Her favourites are goat, hare, rabbit, salmon and venison. We also use a supplement recommended by the Raw Essentials Vet and it improved her skin even more! Her teeth, coat, and skin are in great shape and she loves her food every meal.

Rottweiler Sisters Thriving On Raw

Kadan + Parker & Kim

Kadan was found in a park at around 4 weeks old she was fed goats colostrum and wet food then eventually puppy kibble. She had on and off runny stools and we just couldn’t get her stable.

At our wits end we visited Raw Essentials Grey Lynn in the hope to change to raw as we were worried she wasn’t getting everything she needed. The team started Kadan on the lamb mix and her tummy and stools settled down almost overnight and she began to shine.

However the story doesn’t end there as then Kadan had about 3 months of ear infections, treatments, flushes and medications until we told the Raw Essentials team about it - they suggested we change to a novel protein - we did this and it turns out she’s a deer girl. Now on venison mix with turkey bones, veal brisket, tripe, salmon, pilchards she is happy, her poop is perfect and we always get compliments on her shiny coat and white teeth.

Her sister Parker came to us at 8 weeks old on a kibble and chicken neck diet. At 11 weeks she too was changed to raw and she is thriving too!

Sick Puppy Is Back On Track Thanks To Raw

Rafa & Carmen

My Boxer puppy Rafa was a very sick puppy. He was in VET 3 times with pneumonia due to gastrointestinal problems which made him throw up and have diarrhoea frequently. He was very lethargic and very skinny. He often wouldn’t eat his dog kibble so he was very underweight.

One day I decided just to give raw food a try even if the vets didn’t recommended it. I visited the Raw Essentials store in Glenfield and I explained all his problems to Jess and she was amazing at drawing up a plan for him. Rafa is now looking forward to his meal times and eats it all. It is such a pleasure seeing him enjoy the food!

Since then the transformation is incredible. He is putting on 1kg per week and he is full of energy. He doesn’t throw up anymore and his stools are solid as they should be. I couldn’t be happier having made the decision to change to raw food although it can be a bit pricey but I prefer to pay the extra money to have a healthy dog than spend it later on vet bills!

It Was A No Brainer To Put Rescue Dog Chip On Raw

Chip & Phil

Chip came to me as a rescue from a puppy mill, he was in a bad state. His teeth were a mess, he had severe arthritis and numerous bumps and lumps. He didn’t know how to be a dog, wouldn’t interact with other dog’s, chase a ball or anything. There was one thing he really liked and that was food. My previous 2 boxers were on raw food and had never been to vet for any reason, so it was a no brainer to put Chip on raw.
Raw feeding made a huge difference for him. His walking and muscle condition improved a lot and his coat became softer and shinier. He loves food, and his favourites are pilchards, salmon cubes, chicken frames, tripe and broth.
The team at Hobsonville look after us so well. He always gets treats and they even clean up his slobber afterwards. He has had another recent medical setback, but we know the team will help adjust his diet to help him out. We can't thank them enough for their support of my boy - raw feeding has definitely improved his overall health.

Parvo Survivor's Health is Getting Back on Track!

Dobby & Lorraine

Our rescue boy, Dobby, is a parvo survivor, on top of having leaky gut syndrome, grass allergies, and associated yeast problems. His feet and lower legs were always pink and often raw where he had been licking and chewing, and his breath and coat were quite smelly. I decided to give raw a go out of desperation to get him healthier and happier.

As he had Parvo as a pup, his gut is extremely sensitive, so with the help of the Raw Essentials team we have taken the transition very slowly. He has been on a raw diet for around six weeks now and the transformation is starting to happen, we are seeing results!

A huge thank you to the team at the Howick store who have been amazingly patient in providing great advice and guidance, long chats, regular emails and phone calls!!

Nissi Is Healthy And Thriving Once Again

Nissi & Ana

My girl Nissi started to have unhealthy stools. They were runny and weren't improving for a long time with the vet. Eventually, we were given some medications and told she would have to be on them her whole life, along with eating a specific dog roll which gave her an unpleasant musky smell. I wasn't at peace with this.

I reached out to Raw Essentials and was put in touch with their in house vet. She sent me fantastic information and we started her new diet with the help of the Kumeu and Hobsonville stores. I couldn't believe this service was free! All of Nissi's information was also stored on their system, so no matter which store I went to, they knew all about Nissi's needs.

Raw Essentials put me on the right path towards getting my girl back to being healthy and thriving once again

Altai's Is Nourished & Acne Free

Altai & Alex

Before we swapped to raw food, Altai was on biscuits and would leave his bowl untouched all day every day until he was so hungry he'd eventually nibble at it. No matter what we tried, he just wasn't interested and he began to lose weight. No matter the brand, the biscuits would upset his stomach and he had dreadful acne all along his back. We swapped to raw food and everything changed almost overnight - he now wakes us up at 6:30am sharp every morning to give him his breakfast and always tries to convince us that's it's dinner time earlier than it is. The digestive problems are gone, and so are the skin issues. We're so happy to see him enjoying his food and looking so much healthier!

Thanks so much for helping our boy out, we're very grateful. Your staff are also always friendly and helpful, no matter which NZ store we visit!

Raw Food Convert (and help with IBD)

Willie & Adrianne

Willie has suffered Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) all his life, which was well controlled with a specific dry food diet.

In November last year, Willie suddenly went off his food and began vomiting regularly and losing weight rapidly. I was at my wits end with what to feed him. I tried cooked chicken and different wet foods - which he would eat once then wouldn't touch it again. My Vet recommended trying a raw diet, so I visited Raw Essentials in Hamilton and they put him on a gut healing protocol. From then on he's been amazing - loving his food and never missing a meal.

I'm a vet nurse and had been skeptical of raw feeding but my mind has changed completely. I now make bone broth for our sick inpatients and we stock veal meat onsite for our sick raw fed dogs.

I'm so grateful for Raw Essentials - their help and care has been a life saver

Princess Polly Is Free From Skin Problems

Polly & Charlotte

Polly or Princess Polly is a 1.5 year old French Bulldog x Pug. We adopted her at 10 months old from a less than ideal situation where she had spent most of her life alone in a garden. When we rescued her we noticed her skin was covered in all sorts of lumps and bumps! We had no idea what could be causing them. After seeing the vet, doing some research, we thought that her food could be causing the skin allergies and problems! So, we made the switch to a raw diet.

Polly’s skin has cleared up and we haven't had any problems since. We are so happy! Polly absolutely loves her food, we now call her Miss Piggy Polly when it comes to food.

Going into Raw Essentials is her favourite time of the week. She gets lots of pats and treats from the friendly staff who always recognise her. We are so glad that we switched to a raw diet and haven't looked back since.

IBD is a Thing of the Past for Bandit

Bandit & Katie

Our cat Bandit had been struggling with inflammatory bowel disease for a few years and was gradually losing weight and his spark. The vet recommended feeding him a special diet of hypoallergenic biscuits to try and help with the vomiting and gut issues. The vomiting stopped on the biscuits but the weight loss did not. He was barely eating and he seemed miserable.
We decided to look into other options and found our way to Raw Essentials for help.
On their advice, we started him off on the gut healing protocol with bone broth and poached meats. Our boy was in heaven getting real meat after those awful biscuits!
Fast forward a few years and the IBD is no longer a problem. He is such a happy boy, and he absolutely inhales his meat at every meal. His coat is lovely and shiny and he has gained some weight back.
We are so glad we gave Raw Essentials a go, thank you!

No More Relapses for Phoenix

Phoenix & Kylie

Phoenix came into my life as a rescue cat about three years ago, and he is now around 5 years old. When I adopted him, he was suffering from urinary tract issues. After multiple relapses and emergency trips to the vets, he was precribed a 100% biscuit diet. At this point I decided enough was enough, and researched his condition and how to keep him alive and healthy for myself. Then I found Raw Essentials. The concept is great for me as I am a vegan and I love keeping my beloved pet as naturally as I can - close to an animal’s nature. The team at Raw Essentials helped me find a diet that suited him, and we haven't looked back. He has now been on the raw diet for over a year and has still not relapsed, which makes me (and him) so happy!

Harper's Hip Dysplasia Is Well Managed

Harper & Holly

Harper started going off her bikkies around 10 months old and meal times were such a battle with her. Around the same time was diagnosed with early onset hip-dysplasia which broke our hearts. We put her on a joint & mobility supplement and explored raw feeding and honestly it was the best decision we’ve made for her!

The team at Raw Essentials have been incredibly supportive & informative making what seemed like a scary change, not scary at all.

Harper is honestly is totally different dog now, for the better. She lost about 3-4kg which she was carrying unnecessarily, her energy levels did a 180 turn and meals times become fun & exciting for her! She absolutely loves her new diet. We’ve not seen her limping since the change.

We are also booking her in for pennhip exam as we’ve been told her diagnosis via x-ray could have been incorrect. If she does have hip dysplasia, we’re managing it extremely well with her diet & the supplement. She is such a fun, loving goofball and it makes me so happy we’ve been able to find a diet she loves.

Doggy Siblings Have Tartar Free Teeth

Wilson + Betty & Tara

Our little dude Wilson has suffered from tummy and skin issues for a few years now. We transitioned from high quality Royal Canin biscuits to Raw Essentials a few months ago and I can’t believe how healthy he now is.

His stools are firm (sadly I do check!) and his eyes are bright. He’s stopped itching and has renewed, puppy like energy. It’s remarkable.

The raw chicken feet and necks seem to be doing a great job of cleaning their teeth as well. The vet told me last week that they had absolutely no tartar and asked if I was brushing their teeth! Our mini schnauzer Betty (9 months) is also benefiting from this raw diet. I won’t be going back to processed dog food ever again 👍🏼 I feel this change in diet has extended their precious lives.

From Sensitive & Skittish to All Smiles

Comet & Peter

Comet is a different dog in so many ways! We rescued Comet almost 2 years ago and he came with some trust issues - skittish, nervous generally, very touch sensitive, and a natural ‘runner’. When we adopted him, he didn’t have any medical problems, but he just wasn’t emotionally stable. I saw the RE sign during lockdown in 2020. Once I spoke to the staff, I realised that his nervous behaviour might be diet related to some extent. I was sceptical, but decided to give a fully raw diet a try.

We cannot believe the difference! Comet is now calmer, more settled, and doesn’t try to run away! We can safely walk him on a loose lead. He’s no longer trying to jump the fence and go scrounging for food. He is a totally different dog behaviourally & emotionally. His coat is gorgeous and his eyes are bright! He smiles and wags his tail all the time!

My friends and family who didn’t know we’d switched foods commented on how much of a difference there was in both his physical looks and his personality – transformation!!! We started noticing these significantly in the first week we switched to raw. Comet has gone from strength to strength, all thanks to the knowledge and help from the team at Raw Essentials in Mount Maunganui.

More Energy and Less Bloating for Prin

Prin & Madison

I transitioned Prin to a fully raw diet a few months ago as processed food (especially dry kibble) made him bloat like crazy after eating. Since transitioning, the bloating has stopped completely and I find that he has so much more energy now!

You can’t beat a natural raw food diet, the thought of feeding dry kibble which is filled with so many preservatives and nasty ingredients (some that I can’t even pronounce) has really put me off. I could never ever go back to it now.

I contemplated raw feeding a couple of years ago but it all seemed quite confusing and difficult to make sure it was properly balanced. But with the help from the Raw Essentials team it was actually so easy! They even helped me to tailor a meal plan suited specifically to Prin and his needs.

Lara Loves her Turkey Drumsticks!

Lara & Natasha

Our 4 year old spoodle, Lara, has been on a fully raw diet from Raw Essentials since she was about 1 year old. We initially bought her from a pet store along with a bag of dog biscuits. After having an accident and ending up under vet care she then developed skin allergies. She had a rash and hot spots which drove her crazy and also got regular ear and eye infections.

That’s when we came to Raw Essentials where we got great advice and started her on a balanced novel protein diet, with plenty of bone broth included. It probably took around 18 months to see a big change, but she is now completely clear of skin ear and eye issues which is a big relief for both her and us. She also has a lovely shiny coat which people comment on.

Thanks to the friendly and passionate Raw Essentials staff who are always there to help and advise us along the way. Lara especially loves the Turkey drumsticks, they're her favourite!

Turbo Says Bye to Hot Spots

Turbo, Brydie & Levi

Turbo is our 11 month old American Staffy. We absolutely love raw feeding our boy as he's become a happy, healthier pup since changing his diet.

Turbo had big hot spots on the back of his neck and tail, which he constantly scratched, making them bleed until they became raw and infected. This meant multiple trips to the vet and while the treatment did relieve the itch they never went away completely and he still had red patches.

Since making the switch to a raw fed diet we have noticed a significant difference in him - and we no longer have the need for regular vet trips! He is looking leaner and his hot spots have healed incredibly well. His coat has a healthy shine and his skin condition has really stabilised. Raw feeding has also positively impacted his digestion and he finally has regular poos.

The staff have been really helpful at our local store. They are really informative and have given us great recommendations.

From 'Franken-Kitty' to Frankly Furlicious

Harley & Megan

Harley is our crazy tortoiseshell cat who didn't have the easiest start to life. This little girl had been waiting all alone at the pet store for three months - so we abandoned our plans for an SPCA adoption and took her home to join the family! 10 months in she developed cystitis. Our vet recommended more meat to help with water intake, so we stopped feeding biscuits and fed her meat only - including supermarket cat meat.

Harley rallied, but fast-forward a year and she was diagnosed with feline leprosy. She had 13 lumps surgically removed and looked like 'franked-kitty'. Her changes of survival didn't look so good either. Months of treatment later, she was still with us but had allergies. Itchy scars made her scratch continuously and her fur fell out.

Our friends who'd recently started their dogs on Raw Essentials recommended switching Harley - as they thought her allergies could be related to fillers like wheat that can be found in supermarket cat meats. After very little convincing with the Power Mix, Harley quickly adapted to her new diet. Her skin was no longer irritated and she stopped scratching - finally giving her scars time to heal. Her fur grew back so soft and shiny! She now loves feeding time and you can see she's a happier, healthier cat. I'm so glad we made the switch.

Slimmed Mili is a Raw Diet Convert!

Mili & Aileen

Mili was an overweight little dog for a good few years before we decided to change her diet. I had tried every brand of weight loss dog food on the market and nothing seemed to work for her. When Raw Essentials opened in Christchurch, I popped in just for a nosey. I had always been skeptical of raw feeding (mostly because I didn't have a great understanding of it), but after talking to the lovely staff there I was convinced to give it a try.

I started off just giving my dogs some boneless options along with their biscuits to see if they liked it. They loved it! After seeing them enjoy the raw food so much, I decided to transition them onto a fully raw diet, and I will never look back. I now have the shiniest, happiest, most energetic dogs who get so excited for meal time! Their poops are much smaller, they scratch way less and their teeth are much cleaner than before. And, after 6 months on the raw diet, Mili had finally lost the weight she needed to (1.5kg), and is looking happy and healthy again. I cannot believe not only the difference in her appearance, but also in her behaviour. I have my old Mili back again.

I would recommend raw feeding to anyone who has been considering it. The staff at Raw Essentials are super helpful and will support and guide you through the whole process, thank you Raw Essentials!

12 Year Old Tiger has Kitten Energy!

Tiger & Rebekah

Our Tiger is a very healthy (and 8kg!) tom cat that still lives his best life at 12 years old. Unfortunately, he had some rough times in his life resulting in injuries and surgeries. The vet suggested better quality kibble and supplements for him. I wasn't so sure about this plan though but my local cafe in Hamilton happened to be next door to Raw Essentials. So, I popped in to talk to the staff about Tiger.

I was 100% convinced this was the best plan for Tiger and he has now been on a raw diet since the end of 2019. One of the greatest things, about the change, is that you would never know the injuries he's experienced in the past. His coat is so shiny and smooth now and there are no more furballs that we have to clean up. His energy levels never cease to surprise me even for his age, he often acts like a kitten! He has the brightest eyes now and I just know its a sign of good health. We put this 100% down to his diet. Tiger will always let us know when its time to get up in the morning, as he will meow louder until he gets served his breakfast. At dinner we also add some of the Raw Essentials Power Mix and Bone Broth to his minces for the extra goodness.

Recently we also got a new furry puppy sibling for Tiger, and it was a no brainer that he would be on a raw diet too. When feeding the puppy, Tiger is right there trying to eat his food too. We can't recommend a raw diet more. Thank you Raw Essentials!


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